Enlarged economic space integrating datevaluation results

Save savings by giving the people an personal motor-for-savings . 100% cashkeeping.

From the idea of the money datevaluation and the creation of the web device for the free personal practice of this economic option we arrive into an enlarged space where anyone may mix with the 3 classics practices - consumption, savings and investment - the practice of the money datevaluation in order to get webcashmatic plusvalues and a daily option to multiply with cash results distribution.

The addition of : consumption, savings, investment and datevaluation, let appears the New Economy 4G3W. In such Economy working with creatures called owndated webquantums which are personalized money parcels in fusion with the time-savings-moment of any datevalors personal creation.

For you the must important is that you-do-mark-your-money just with your better webdate, then your webcashmotor start to run into Economy 4G3W making a money-to-money link for your personal bank-finantial power. 100% free.100% webpowered. 100% safe and running 24/7 for your-economic-life pushed-up forever.

Ask your$time for each owned timestock of your cashkeeped savings.

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